Callout Archive:

18 / 06 / 2010

ASC Log N/A The AFRS control room notified the CRO at 11:13  that their line rescue team was mobilising to a trapped dog in Chew Magna. No action was taken on behalf of the team.

14 / 06 / 2010

25 ASC Log No’s 959 and 964. The AFRS control room alerted the CRO at 17:30 of an incident occurring on the circular road at Avon Gorge, Sea Walls. At 17:35 the police called the team to a despondent male acting suspiciously at the top of the cliffs. The technical rescue team was called-out. The incident was resolved, and the team was stood down at 17:53.

31 / 05 / 2010

24 ASC Log No 1102. The team was put on standby at 11:50 by the police control room. The incident was to search for a missing vulnerable male in Bishop Sutton. The search team was called out at 12:53. The team searched land around Bishop Sutton and the water margins of Chew Valley Lake. The incident was resolved and the team was stood down at 17:18

27 / 05 / 2010

23 26 & 27/05/10 ASC Log No 372. The police PolSA called the CRO at 18:00 to notify the team of a missing 62 year old female in the South Bristol area.. The Search team was put on standby and called out at 19:21.

The full team was called out at 19:39. A search was organised in the Bishopsworth and Withywood area of Bristol, extending out to Dundry Hill. The search was suspended at about midnight. It was resumed next morning with new evidence and the casualty was found at 17:15 on 27/05/10. The team was stood down after the casualty was transferred to hospital by ambulance.

23 / 05 / 2010

22 ASC Log No 776. The police control room put the technical rescue team on standby at 16:02. A male was missing in the Clifton Downs/Gorge area of Bristol. The team was called out at 17:25, as the male had been located on a precarious part of the cliff. The male was returned to a safe place and returned to police custody. The team was stood down at 17:45.

22 / 05 / 2010

21 22/05/10 ASC Log No 904 Cheddar Gorge. The Chief Rescue Officer (CRO) was contacted by Avon FRS – alerting to an incident in Cheddar Gorge near Black Rock Quarry at 16:15. The ASC police control room was alerted, and the CRO attended the scene. A male was discovered at the base of the quarry. No further resources were required. The incident was stood down at 17:20.

04 / 05 / 2010

20 ASC log 488. On 22/04 the Search team was called at 23:10 to RV at a school near Kelston in Bath. A 54 year old male was missing from RUH in Bath. The team searched the surrounding countryside, with the assistance of a police search dog and a police helicopter from Wiltshire. Nothing was found and the team was stood down at 03:30.

12 / 04 / 2010

19 ASC Log No 503. The CRO was called by the Cheddar Caves office to inform of a male who was on the cliff with head injuries at 13:05. The CRO informed the police and SWAST and called the technical rescue team. On arrival at scene it was discovered that the male had been hit on the head by a stone fallen from above. The family of the male was removed to a safe place, and a RAF helicopter was requested. The RAF (rescue 169) removed the casualty to Frenchay hospital, Bristol. The police detained three youths who were alleged to have thrown the stones that hit the male. The team was stood down at 14:20.

07 / 04 / 2010

18 ASC Log 628 Team members who were at the top of Clifton gorge, were approached by a member of the public at 14:30 who draw their attention to a young male who was in a dangerous location on top of the cliffs. Contact was made with the male and he was returned to a place of safety.

07 / 04 / 2010

17 ASC log 542. A senior member of the team was asked by the police to liaise with the family of a recently deceased person. The meeting took place at the top of Clifton Gorge at 14:00.

06 / 04 / 2010

16 ASC Log 876. The CRO was contacted by police control at 21:10, for tactical advice – regarding a developing situation on the Clifton Bridge. The incident was resolved before the team could be called out.

04 / 04 / 2010

15 ASC police log not acquired. The CRO was contacted by the crew of Helimad 64 in a ‘heads up’ situation for a male who was reported to have fallen into a quarry at Weston Super Mare. Police and Park ranger were trying to access the scene to discover the extent of injuries. In the even there was no immediate requirement to call the team but the CRO remained as a adio relay between police and Helimed 64 crew.

23 / 03 / 2010

14 ASC log 1608. The Technical Rescue team was called to Battery Point in Portishead; to assist the Coast Guard, FRS and RAF SAR helicopter remove a female from a dangerous location at 21:36. As sufficient resources were already deployed, the team was stood down at 21:53.

22 / 03 / 2010

13 ASC Log 750. The Technical Rescue team was called to Cheddar Gorge at 17:38 to assist with the removal from the cliffs of a very young (kid) goat. The goat was successfully removed and the team stood down at 20:10.

12 / 03 / 2010

12 ASC log 224. The technical rescue team was called by ASC control and Fire and rescue control at 08:25. Reports were coming in of a female on the Clifton Bridge in a dangerous location. A multi agency approach was taken to reducing the situation, and the female was removed to a place of safety. Stand down at 10:00.

08 / 03 / 2010

11 ASC log no 862 The technical rescue and search teams were called to the top of Avon Gorge at 19:30. The car of a vulnerable missing female had been located near by. Searches of the area were organised by ASC, Avon Fire and Rescue and SAR team members. Technical team members searched the cliffs. The incident was resolved at 20:55 and the team was stood down at 22:40.

06 / 02 / 2010

10 ASC log 486 The CRO was contacted initially by a curious source, but the call was confirmed by the police and fire control rooms at 12:20. A male climber was reported to have fallen from a route on Heart Leaf Bluff. A paramedic was in attendance, who thought the injuries were serious. The technical rescue team was called, together with a Coast Guard SAR helicopter. The D&S FRS attended along with the AFRS line rescue team from ‘Temple’. The casualty,was safely winched and flown direct to Frenchay Hospital by SAR helicopter. The incident was closed at 14:50. The team was stood down.

31 / 01 / 2010

9 ASC Log No 680. The search team was called to Easton in Bristol, to search for a missing person at 17:10. The female was quickly located and the team was stood down at 17:37.

31 / 01 / 2010

8 ASC Log No 358 The search team was called by the police at 13:03 to an incident in Frenchay Village. A male was missing from the local hospital, and was in a vulnerable condition. The male was located and the team was stood down at 17:21. As we were departing we were given the ‘heads up’ on another vulnerable person close by.

20 / 01 / 2010

7 ASC Log No 982 The technical rescue team was called by police, fire and ambulance control, at 21:52, to help extricate a male who had fallen down a small cliff at the end of his garden into the stream below. The address was near Combe Dingle. The team was stood down at 22:21.